Get Started | KCB Recovery

Tell us about you

  • About You
  • Experiences
  • Your History
  • Preferences
  • Get Started
What is your Name?
What is your Email Address?
What is your phone number?
What Country are you from?
What is your gender?
Select one of the options below:
What is your age?
Select one of the options below:
What is your Relationship Status?
Select one of the options below:
Do you consider yourself to be religious?
Select one of the options below:
Over the past 2 weeks, have you been bothered by any of the following problems:
Select the options below:
How difficult has these problems made it for you to get along with others or take care of thing at home or at work?
When was the last time you thought about suicide?
Are you currently experiencing anxiety or panic attacks?
Are you currently taking any medications?
Are you currently experiencing any chronic pain?
Have you every been in counselling or therapy for your drinking or Drug Use before?
Select one of the options below:
How would you rate your current Physical Health
How would you rate your current Mental Health
How would rate your current eating habits?
How would you rate your current sleeping habits?
Are you currently experiencing overwhelming sadness, grief, or depression?
How often do you drink alcohol?
How often do you use drugs?
How often do you use smoke?
Do you have a preferences for your Coach?
Select the option below:
What brings you here?
What are you looking to achieve
How did you hear about KCB Recovery?
Select an option below