Daily Gratitude Journaling

According to Harvard Health (2011), being grateful makes you happier. Gratitude helps you to relish good experiences, feel more positive emotions, improve your health, build stronger relationships and deal with adversities (Harvard Health, 2011).

Additionally, according to Miller (2020), research has proven that having gratitude helps you to:

  • have a more satisfying life
  • sleep better
  • be less fatigued
  • have greater resilience
  • be happier and have greater joy
  • be more appreciative
  • disconnect from negativity and toxicity
  • have lower levels of cellular inflammation
  • have more patience, wisdom and humility
  • be in a more positive mood
  • improve mental health
  • improve physical health
  • celebrate the present


Reflect on your blessings and write down at least 3 things that you are grateful for in the sheet below. As you write, be intentional and specific, and think about the emotions and sensations you felt when you experienced the things that you are grateful for.

Write down what you’re grateful for in the Shee below.

Ensure to click the orange ‘submit’ button to submit the form.

We recommend doing this gratitude journal daily.

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Harvard Health. (2011). Giving Thanks Makes You Happier. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/giving-thanks-can-make-you-happier

Miller, K. (January 9, 2020). 14 Health Benefits of Practicing Gratitude According to Science. Retrieved from https://positivepsychology.com/benefits-of-gratitude