Win, Losses and Improvements

Often we engage in self-defeating talks and we beat ourselves up every time something goes wrong. But how often do we acknowledge our accomplishments? Especially the small ones. When was the last time you celebrated your wins?

We always blame ourselves and are disappointed in ourselves when we experience losses, but do we recognize our wins?

This exercise is about acknowledging the whole picture. Not just one aspect, but all aspects; the wins, the losses and the improvements. This way, you will have a holistic view of what’s going right, what’s going wrong, and what can be improved.

This way you don’t only focus on the negative, but you also focus on the positive and you can see that all is not lost, you are doing something right, and for the things that are going wrong, there’s a way to improve it.


Complete the sheet below to celebrate your wins, acknowledge your losses, and transform your losses into wins and embark on a journey of improvement! Ensure to click the Orange ‘Submit’ button to submit the sheet.

You can do this exercise as often as you’d like. We recommend that you do this exercise daily.

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